How do I create sub-locations?

Our clients service a wide variety of buildings, from single-tenant commercial properties to large facilities such as university campuses and hospitals. For these large facilities, we designed the sub-location system to help you break down your cleaning services into more manageable pieces. You can break down a location into as many layers and sub-locations as you want. One common scenario is to break down a facility by floor, by suite, and then by room.

How to enable sub-locations

You enable sub-locations for each location. It is not a company-wide setting. Some locations can be simple, others can be set up to have sub-locations.

  1. Go to Admin > Manage Locations.
  2. Click the pencil icon next to the location where you want to set up sub-locations.
  3. If not checked, click the box next to "Click here if you need to add sub-locations to this location". 

Benefits of using sub-locations

  • When customers or your team report an issue, they will see a drop-down menu where they can pick what sub-location the issue relates to. You'll see it reported like this: Main facility > East Wing > Floor 1 > Rm 105. (Currently, if any customer is directly assigned to a sub-location, that sub-location will have it's own messaging channel in the mobile and web apps. The purpose of this is to create message boards for different customers within a multi-tenant building where you might have a different customer in each suite.)
  • Normally, you can't attach the same checklist more than once to a location. With sub-locations, you can. For example, you could have the following four sub-locations and attach a bathroom cleaning checklist to each: 1st floor men's, 1st floor women's, 2nd floor men's, 2nd floor women's. Then you can track task completion for each bathroom.
  • You can print a barcode for each sub-location and then require that cleaners scan these barcodes as they perform their work. It's one additional step that will give you assurance that your team was on site and visited each area of the location. See the related article "How do I print barcodes for scan points?".

How to add sub-locations

  1. Go to Admin > Manage Locations.
  2. Click the pencil icon next to the location where you want to add sub-locations.
  3. Scroll down to the "Organization" section.
  4. Click on the "+ Add Sub" button.

  5. A text box will appear at the end of the "Organization". Add a description.

  1. You can add additional sub-locations using the "+ Add Sub" button, or you can click the "+ Add Sub" button next to an existing sub-location to add a sub-location below it.

How to change the order of sub-locations

You can click on the left-hand side of the sub-location and drag the sub-location to reorder it:

When you drag a sub-location, the symbol on the left-hand edge of the box will change to show you where it will drop:

  • This indicates the sub-location will become a child of the sub-location you're hovering over.

  • This indicates the sub-location will go above the sub-location you're hovering over.

  • This indicates the sub-location will go between two sub-locations.

  • This indicates the sub-location will go below the sub-location you're hovering over.

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