How do I create custom user fields?
Clean Smarts has a simple yet powerful user custom field feature. You are able to add as MANY custom user fields to your user profiles as you want. These fields can then be viewed as separate, sortable columns in the Manage Users screen. Custom fields are great for tracking things like start dates, training certifications, hiring documentation, and notes.
How to add new user fields to your account
- As an administrator, go to Admin > Company Settings and scroll to the Custom User Fields section.
Click on "Add Custom Field".
- Type a description of the field. This will be the label the field is seen as in the user's profile and in column selectors for various reports.
- Select the type of data the field will hold. You can choose from a Yes/No field (a checkbox), date, text, number, or file attachment. Clean Smarts supports images, videos, Microsoft office file types, PDFs and zip files as attachments.
- Select who should be able to see this field and its value. By default, fields are unrestricted, meaning that the cleaner or any manager, or administrator with user-viewing access can see the field and its value. The other options are "Managers and administrators", which are defined as anyone who have the User Edit or UserView modules, and "Administrators only", which is the account administrator or anyone with the Manage Account module.
How to view user field details
- Go to Admin > Manage Users
Click the column selection drop-down menu at the top of the screen. Select the fields you would like to display in the user list.
- Click the Refresh button to reload the user list.
How to edit custom user field values
- Go to Admin > Manage Users
- Click on the pencil icon for the user whose field values you want to update.
Custom fields appear after the contact and password information.
- To upload a file, click on the "Upload a file" label next to the attachment-type field. You can drag and drop files or pick them from your desktop filesystem by clicking "Select file".
- Save the profile by clicking "Save" at the bottom of the user profile.