Why am I not getting supply request emails?

There are a few reasons why you may not be getting supply request emails. Your Clean Smarts administrator will need to take the following steps:

New or updated supply request email notifications are not enabled.

  1. In the web app, go to Admin > Manage Users
  2. Click on the user profile of the user not receiving emails.
  3. In the "Notifications" section, check that "New supply requests" and "Updated supply requests" are both checked under the "Email" column.
  4. Save the user's profile.

You have not been designated as a recipient of customer-fulfilled or cleaner-fulfilled supply requests.

For each service location, internal or customer users need to be designated as the "supply managers" or supply request email recipients. You may not have been added as a recipient in the location details.

  1. In the web app, go to Admin > Manage Locations
  2. Click the pencil icon to open the location details.
  3. Scroll to the Supplies Managers section, and add the user to either the Company-manager (cleaning company) user selection box or the Customer-manager user selection box, depending on which kinds of items recipients should receive requests for.
  4. Save the location details.

Internal users with a supervisory role may choose to receive supply request notifications as well. These users do not have to be designated as a Company or Customer supplies manager. When a supply request is submitted, these users will receive a supply request notification to their email inboxes with ALL supply request items listed. However, the email begins with the disclaimer "This email is for informational purposes only. You have not been designated as a supply request manager."

As a customer supply manager, the supply request may have been only for cleaner-fulfilled items or vice versa.

If supply requests contain only items that are designated for either the cleaning company or the customer to fulfill, and you have been designated in the opposite role, you will not get a supply request email.

You are unsubscribed from email notifications

At the bottom of each email, there's a link with the option of unsubscribing to not get anything else to your inbox. If you, or anyone with access or that you forward the email to, click on the link then the email notifications will stop and you won't receive the information you might be expecting.

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