How are pay rates applied to an employee's time?
Clean Smarts gives you flexibility in determining how to apply a pay rate to an employee's time once they have clocked out of a location.
The rate that gets applied to their time is first determined by the settings of their shift. If the employee is clocking into a scheduled shift, and that shift has the checkbox marked that is labeled "Pay at this rate instead of the user's normal rate", the pay rate applied will be the amount shown in the shift settings.
If this box is not checked, the rate that applies will be the user's pay rate as of the check-in date. Pay rates, as you may know, are date sensitive and are set in the user's profile in the web app. When setting a user's pay rate, you may simply enter in a dollar-per-hour value (which is the more common method). However, you may also assign a user a "standard rate", and using standard rates is entirely optional. Standard rates are helpful if you ever need to update pay rates for many employees at once. Standard pay rates are also independent of user roles or user modules, giving you lots of flexibility. You can set and change standard pay rates in Company Settings.
Pay Rate Flowchart
Here is a flowchart that shows in a visual format the explanation provided above.