How can I prevent users from posting messages?
You can prevent certain users from posting messages in custom groups that you designate. This is helpful if you want to post company announcements or have one-way communication with your internal team. Users with the Messaging (Company) module will still be able to post messages in these designated groups, but users with only the Messaging (Cleaner) or Messaging (Customer) modules will not be able to post messages.
How to designating a custom message group as manager-posting only:
- First, go to the Messaging Center in the web app.
- Click on Custom Groups and then click on a message group.
- Click on the pencil icon above the message window. A pop-up will appear.
- Click the box labeled "Prevent non-managers from posting to this group".
When users attempt to post to these message groups, they will get a pop-up that shows they do not have permission to post to those groups.