How do I apply a special pay rate for certain shifts or jobs?

If you have special pay rates for flooring jobs or government contracts, you can apply those rates to shifts and jobs.

How to apply a special pay rate for a shift or job

  1. First, open a shift or job by going to the Manage Locations screen and open a location's details, or go to the Scheduling > Calendar view and click on an event, or go to the Manage Jobs tab and open a job's details.
  2. Enter an hourly pay rate and currency under "Pay rate / currency". Be sure to also check the box that says "Pay at this rate instead of user's normal rate".

  3. Save the shift or job details.

If you check the box, the budgeted rate for the shift or job will apply to any future check ins. In other words, this checkbox does not apply a pay rate retroactively.

You can also now edit the rate applied to a check-in record. 

How to edit a pay rate applied to a check-in

  1. Open the details of a check-in by going to the Approve Hours or View Time Details screen and clicking on the pencil icon of any time entry.
  2. Check the box that says "Check to override the pay rate" and add a custom pay rate to the Pay Rate field.

  3. Save the check-in details.

What does Clean Smarts do with these rates?

User pay rates or pay rate overrides are applied to hours in the budget to actual report so that you can see accurate gross labor costs by employee or location (see the related article). Also, for some payroll integrations, pay rates can be provided to your payroll software in order to capture hours that need to be paid at different rates.

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