How do I send a one-on-one or group message?

With Clean Smarts you can start a chat with an individual or group of people. This article will walk through how to start a message thread on the mobile and web apps, how to add users to a chat after it has been created, and how to remove users from a thread. 

How to start a message thread on the mobile app

Custom message threads can only be started by a user with the Messaging (Company) module. This allows you to control who can initiate a conversation.

  1. Select Messaging from the sidebar in the app.
  2. Select groups near the top of the messaging module and click on the + button at the bottom right corner.

  3. Select 'Tap here to add users'. Add any amount of people to the message you would like in your custom group (even a single person for direct messaging). You can choose from the Internal block for company staff, Customer block for clients, or you can choose from both.

  4. Begin the conversation — All users in the group will receive notifications of the new message, and will be able to respond accordingly. 

How to start a message thread on the web app

  1. Navigate to the Messaging Center and select "New Group" as shown below
  2. Type the message you would like to send, and select the users you would like to send it to! 

How to add or remove users to an existing message thread on the mobile app

Simply go into the group, select the 'To:' bar at the top and click on the Add or remove users button. Doing this will bring up the same list of contacts used for creating the group, you can choose new users to add to the group or remove already added ones.

How to add or remove users to an existing message thread on the web app

  1. Go into the group you want to edit, at the top right corner click on See Users

  1. Select or diselect the desired users, then click Save

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